Mission & Vision
Mission Statement
Immaculate Conception School, as an educational ministry of the parish and in partnership with parents, is an inviting diverse community of lifelong learners dedicated to becoming Disciples of Christ by living the Gospel values through the Catholic faith.
Belief Statement
At Immaculate Conception Catholic School we believe:
That in partnership with parents, we are committed to unlocking the full potential of each individual student, and to develop confident, independent learners;
That we are committed to creating a challenging learning environment that encourages high expectations for success through instruction that allows for individual differences and learning styles;
That we respect the dignity of the individual person and are sensitive to the needs of our diverse community, welcoming all, we journey together with Christ, celebrating God’s love in our lives;
That we promote a safe, caring and supportive environment, addressing the needs of the whole child, in cooperation with families;
That we are committed to caring leadership, competent teaching, as faithful disciples in the tradition of the charism of the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur.
Thinking Like Jesus, Talking Like Jesus and Acting Like Jesus provides our spiritual compass. From this flows an intentional Deliberate Disciple Development framework. Encourage your student to be mindful of the Fruits of the Holy Spirit. Although all of the Fruits and Gifts are always at our side, we encourage you to celebrate this theme with your student. At school, in church, and in our community a “Fruit” will be highlighted and emphasized each month. Classroom discussions, homilies, and student dialogue will focus on how to put the theme into action.